.Collection: Rogozhin bags

The hornbags that you will find in this category are handmade in Poland, woven from hornwort obtained in Polish ponds. Rogożyna, or cattail, is carefully selected and the preparation process takes several weeks. All baskets are hand-woven from rogożyna - cattail, which is increasingly rare in Poland. Thanks to the hand-weaving of our baskets, they gain a unique character and each horn bag is unique. Our mission is to return to the roots of handcraft and make you fall in love with traditional Polish products again. Roboty Ręczne is a brand with family roots, run with love and respect for Polish craftsmanship, which is why the baskets you buy from us are woven with great care by local craftsmen.

How are rogozhin bags made?

Corner baskets represent a beautiful harmony between tradition and modernity, offering both aesthetic design and functionality. The process of producing antler baskets is intricate and begins with manual harvesting of raw reed, then drying the water sticks. The next stage is to hand-weave the baskets on a specially prepared wooden form. The process of making one basket from rogożyna is long and requires the work of an experienced craftsman.

What is rogozhin?

Rogozhin is a water cattail that grows in ponds and water reservoirs. It is a durable material that is increasingly rare in the natural environment. Rogożyna, as a raw material for production, is distinguished by its durability, flexibility and subtle, eye-pleasing shade.

Characteristic features of baskets?

Corner baskets are characterized by lightness and durability. Discolorations and slight cracks are my natural features, which increase over time. Roboty Ręczne is a brand with family roots, run with love and respect for Polish craftsmanship, which is why the baskets you buy from us are woven exclusively from Polish materials by local experienced craftsmen.

Why are horn bags so popular?

Bags made of rogozhin are a popular addition to summer styles, but they are also increasingly found in autumn and winter looks. They gained popularity in the second half. 20th century, many of us probably still remember our grandmothers and mothers carrying horn baskets to the beach or shopping. Both horn and wicker baskets are a timeless and classic accessory that diversifies summer outings.

What styles should you wear with rogozhin baskets?

Our rogozhin bags are perfect as shopping baskets, walking baskets, beach bags, carry the large horn bags every day instead of a shopper. We encourage you to wear Roboty Ręczne handbags all year round - in summer, spring, autumn and winter.